PBS Machinery can help you get into plastic recycling by providing plastic recycling machinery.
We’ve been involved with working with Precious Plastic to develop and produce plastic recycling machinery since 2018. Especially focussing on the Extruder (Pro) and injection molding machines
We are able to provide a full package of precious plastic machines, ranging from shredders to extruders. We can also provide molds and dies to get you started to produce products. We strive to validate and test molds together with the machines to be sure they work together properly.
Polymer processing can be tricky to get right starting off, that is why we can provide proper documentation and manuals to get started, this can be found a the “Precious Plastic” platform and supplemented by PBS Machinery for specific machine related information.
On-Site training is possible as well, contact us for more info.
Check out the machines below
Tabletop extruder 30/600
Injection – PBS Basic
Injection – PBS Clamp
Get in touch!